Moving Energy
Moving Energy
Gasoline is mainly used as an engine fuel in vehicles.
Since those early days, Gunvor has developed increasingly sophisticated blending, storage, and logistics capabilities around the world that enable the company to take advantage of arbitragesArbitrage refers to the practice of taking advantage of price differences between two or more markets or exchanges in order to generate profits. It involves buying an asset at a... Read more that arise from differentialsDifferentials refers to the difference between the amounts of two or more commodities. Read more that exist between or even within various countries.
Because finished gradeFinished grade refers to a processed product that is awaiting sale. Read more specifications differ between locations, the blending of gasoline has to be tailored to each country, which is achieved by mixing many different refinery streams and petrochemicalPetrochemical refers to a substance that is obtained by refining and/or processing petroleum or natural gas. Read more components. Gunvor conducts its gasoline blending operations from numerous locations.
The company’s principal gasoline blending facility is located in Amsterdam, with other large blending operations in the Mediterranean, Singapore, and the United States. Each serve their respective markets, allowing Gunvor to have a strong global presence and an active role in arbitrage trading.