Moving Energy
Moving Energy
SINGAPORE | 6 JUNE 2013 Gunvor Singapore Pte Ltd (the “Borrower”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Gunvor Group (“Gunvor”), has signed a USD 850 Mil. syndicated revolving credit facility (“RCF”). The facility, which launched at USD 650 Mil. and attracted over USD 1 Bil. in commitments, closed almost 60% oversubscribed. Its success represents continued strong interest
GENEVA | 5 JUNE 2013 Gunvor Group today affirmed its commitment to PA Resources through its support for the company’s recapitalization measures. Gunvor, along with others, will fully underwrite a rights issue of SEK 891 mil. put forth by PA Resources. PA Resources is involved in oil and gas exploration and extraction, and is listed
GENEVA | 21 MAY 2013 Not for publication or distribution in the United States, Japan or in any other jurisdiction in which offers or sales would be prohibited by applicable law. Gunvor Group has successfully priced a USD 500 mil. bond as a part of the company’s strategy to diversify and strengthen its financial foundation
DUBAI | 11 APRIL 2013 Gunvor Group, here comprising Gunvor S.A, Gunvor Middle East DMCC and Gunvor Singapore Pte Ltd, (together “Gunvor” or the “Company”) has launched the syndication of a USD 300 million secured uncommitted borrowing base revolving credit facilities (the “Facilities”), which will be used to finance working capital needs for the purchase
SINGAPORE | 8 APRIL 2013 Gunvor Singapore Pte Ltd (the “Borrower”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Gunvor Group (“Gunvor” or the “Company”), today launched US$ 650,000,000 syndicated revolving credit facilities (the “Facilities”). The launch is part of Gunvor’s successful strategy to both grow and diversify its financing to support new investments and existing operations, which includes
GENEVA | 22 JANUARY 2013 LLC Novorossiysk Fuel Oil Terminal (“NFT”), which is jointly owned by Gunvor Group (“Gunvor”) and PJSC Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port (“NCSP”), has successfully closed a secured 7-year USD $110 million credit facility (the “Facility”) from ZAO Raiffeisenbank. The proceeds will refinance shareholder loans used to construct the fuel oil terminal
GENEVA | 9 JANUARY 2013 Gunvor Group announces the appointment of a newly created position, Technical Director Refining, and the hiring of a new Refinery Manager for its Independent Belgium Refinery (IBR), consistent with the integration of refining into Gunvor’s operations. Marcel Mazenauer, refinery manager at Gunvor’s IBR, will move to the company’s Geneva office,
GENEVA | 18 DECEMBER 2012 Gunvor Group (“Gunvor”) has mandated Deutsche Bank AG, London Branch (Bookrunner) and VTB Bank (Austria) AG as Mandated Lead Arrangers to arrange and underwrite a USD $100 million Secured Acquisition Facility (the “Facility”) to finance the acquisition of former Petroplus refinery and marketing activity in Ingolstadt, Germany. Gunvor is pleased
GENEVA | 13 DECEMBER 2012 Gunvor Group (“Gunvor Group” or the “Company”) has signed its USD $1,160,000,000 Revolving Credit Facility (the “Facility”) in favour of Gunvor International B.V. (“Gunvor International”) and Gunvor SA, (together the “Borrowers”). The Facility, oversubscribed by 45 percent, draws on an expanded pool of banks, as Gunvor continues to see new
INGOLSTADT | 12 DECEMBER 2012 Die Raffinerie Ingolstadt hat nach ihrer Übernahme durch die Gunvor Group im August ihren vollen Betrieb sehr schnell wieder aufgenommen und seitdem eine Million Tonnen Mineralölprodukte zur Auslieferung an Kunden überwiegend in Süddeutschland und Oberösterreich verladen. In nur drei Monaten konnte die Gunvor Raffinerie Ingolstadt (GRI) das Angebot und den