Crude oil, also known as petroleum, is a naturally occurring fossil fuel that is formed from the remains of ancient marine plants and animals. It is a complex mixture of hydrocarbons consisting mainly of carbon and hydrogen atoms, along with small amounts of sulfur, nitrogen, and oxygen compounds. Crude oil is highly valued for its diverse uses in transportation, electricity generation, heating, and the production of various materials such as plastics, fertilizers, and synthetic fabrics.
To learn more about crude oil, you can visit the following websites:
1. Energy Information Administration (EIA) – Crude Oil:
The EIA is a leading source of energy-related information and statistics. Their webpage on crude oil provides comprehensive information on its production, reserves, consumption, prices, and global market dynamics. It also offers data on the different types of crude oil and their characteristics.
2. American Petroleum Institute (API) – Crude Oil Basics:
The API represents the oil and gas industry in the United States and offers valuable resources for understanding crude oil. Their webpage on crude oil basics covers the refining process, the different grades and classifications of crude oil, as well as the basics of exploration and production.
This A.I.-generated glossary is intended to provide a convenient means to understand terminology used on this website in the context of physical commodities trading. Some terms may have alternative and/or expanded definitions that may not be relevant here and thus not included. Sources provided are for reference and not intended to be an endorsement of the broader content on that website. Suggestions, questions, or corrections can be provided in the comment box on definition pages.