Moving Energy



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Carbon emissions

Carbon emissions refer to the release of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere, which occurs when carbon-containing substances, such as fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas) or organic matter (wood, peat, etc.), are burned or undergo decomposition. Carbon emissions are a significant component of greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to the greenhouse effect, where gases […] Read More

Borrowing bases

### Borrowing Bases The term “borrowing base” refers to the amount of money a lender is willing to lend to a company, typically a producer in the energy sector, based on the collateral provided by the borrower. In the context of energy commodities trading, the borrowing base is often determined by the value of the […] Read More

Bituminous binders

Bituminous binders, commonly referred to as asphalt binders or simply asphalt, are a group of sticky, viscous, black, or dark-colored cementitious materials that are primarily composed of highly condensed polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. These substances occur both in natural deposits and as a byproduct of the petroleum refining process. Bituminous binders are used predominantly in the […] Read More

Biofuel Plants

Biofuel Plants Biofuel plants refer to the facilities where various types of biofuels are produced. Biofuels are renewable energy sources derived from biological materials such as crops, waste plant materials, or other organic matter. These plants are designed to convert these organic materials into fuels that can be used for transportation, heating, and power generation. […] Read More


Biodiesel is a renewable, biodegradable fuel that is manufactured using a chemical process which converts oils and fats of natural origins into fatty acid methyl esters (FAME). Biodiesel is designed to be used in standard diesel engines and can be blended with petroleum diesel at various levels or used in its pure form. It provides […] Read More


Ammonia (NH3) is a colorless gas with a distinctive pungent smell. It is a compound of nitrogen and hydrogen and is a critical chemical in the production of fertilizers, which is a primary use for ammonia. It is also utilized in various industrial and commercial applications including refrigeration, cleaning products, and the manufacture of plastics, […] Read More

Sustainability Fundamentals

SwissNéGoce has launched a new education programme: Commodity Sustainability Fundamentals ESG. The 2-day programme encompasses all aspects of sustainability (Environment, Social and Governance – ESG) and has been designed for the whole commodity industry (Oil & Gas, Metals & Minerals and Agricultural/Soft). Background SwissNégoce idenitfied a gap in their training offers: while there were many […] Read More

The Evolution of Compliance Training

From September to the end of each year, Gunvor’s Compliance Team undertakes its annual mandatory employee training and review for all relevant employees. More than 800 individuals participated in the courses in 2021, representing 100% of those who require such training.  While each year, the rhythm of this exercise is the same—four months of updates […] Read More

Supply Chain Management at GPR

By Turnaround Contracting Coordinator in GPR The Netherlands is a highly regulated country where Human Rights infringements are not likely to occur. However, we are always cautious when prequalifying new contractors and vendors, especially from countries other than The Netherlands. For contractors (both domestic and foreign), we always use a prequalification form. We assess the […] Read More


**Volatility** In the context of energy commodities trading, volatility refers to the degree of variation in the price of a commodity over a certain period of time. It is a statistical measure that represents the tendency of the price to rise or fall sharply within a short period. High volatility implies that the price of […] Read More

Internal Audit

To test our internal functions across the Group, Gunvor established an Internal Audit Department to provide independent and objective assessments of business activities, operations, financial systems, and the internal control environment of Gunvor. The Audit team conducts between 15-20 internal audit engagements each year, covering activities such trading desks, assets, central functions and processes, joint-ventures […] Read More

EMPLOYEE PROFILE: Captain Mani’s first command

As the Category 3 hurricane—with winds up to 115 miles an hour (185 km/h)—bore down on the Motor Tanker Eagle Subaru, Captain Siva Mani Raaj had to make a decision: go out to high seas or go up the Mississippi River to the discharge port at Baton Rouge.  The rapidly strengthening storm, which had been […] Read More


INGOLSTADT, 2018 When next you visit Bavaria, keep an eye out for a heating oil truck rolling across the landscape emblazoned with Gunvor’s logo. It very likely will be driven by a courageous Eritrean refugee named Masebela Tsegay. Masebela, or Mase as his friends and colleagues call him, is undertaking a 3-year apprenticeship in Gunvor’s […] Read More


As the commodities industry grows and competition ever increases, all companies look for an edge. At Gunvor, we believe this comes from diversity and inclusivity. Many studies have demonstrated that companies with a diverse decision-making base are more successful and use this advantage to spark innovation and create more ways of sustaining a competitive advantage. […] Read More

Modern Slavery Policy 2024

The United Nations define modern slavery as encompassing practices such as forced labour, debt bondage, forced marriage and human trafficking. It refers to situations of exploitation where a person cannot leave because of threats, violence, coercion, deception and/or abuse of power. According to the ILO, this concerns 50 million people worldwide. Gunvor has a zero-tolerance […] Read More


One of the most common questions that employees get about our company is in reference to the name Gunvor: Where did it come from? Gunvor is actually a feminine name common in Sweden, Norway and Denmark. It derives from the Old Norse name Gunnvör meaning “cautious in war” (gunnr or “war” is combined with vor […] Read More